Preparing For The Holidays After Moving Into A New Custom Built Home

As wonderful as the holidays can be, there’s no doubt they can be hectic too. In the constant rush to get everything, it’s easy to lose sight of the important things like spending time with loved ones. Not to mention maintaining your mental and physical health, especially if the holiday seasons fall into a time when you’re moving into a new home.

At P&D Builders, we know the holidays and home building process can be stressful. We want the first holiday in your new home to be a fun and relaxing one. Below are a few ways to make both your new home and the holidays feel more enjoyable.

Add Festive Decorations to Main Spaces

There are few things people enjoy more than decorating their home for the holidays. Of course, putting up and taking down holiday decorations can be a hassle especially if you’re still trying to get all your belongings organized. If the thought of decorating every room of your new home dampens your festive mood, focus on the main areas that guests will see. For example, the front porch, entryway, family room, kitchen, and bathrooms are perfect places to display your holiday style. Do a quick declutter of the main spaces. This will let your decorations take center stage while organizing things for after the holidays. Next, it’s time to decorate. But do yourself a favor and keep it simple. You will be happy in January when you have less to put into storage.

Organize Your Entry

The holidays are a time for celebration. And if this is your first holiday in your custom home, you are probably eager to host parties and meals. You finally have the perfect place for holiday entertaining. When guests enter your new home this holiday season, the entryway makes an important first impression. Your cheery holiday decorations lining your foyer will set the holiday tone for the rest of your home. Be sure to have space where guests can hang coats and take off snowy boots so mud and water are not tracked throughout the rest of your new home.

With the holidays come with guests staying in your home from out of town. This can be a stressful process if you don’t plan ahead for your guests or your bedrooms aren’t all the way unpacked or situated yet.

Here are some helpful tips to make your guests feel welcome:

  • Tidy up the guest bedroom with fresh linens.
  • Be sure they have access to extra towels, toiletries, pillows, and cozy blankets.
  • Create a mini necessities station with lotion, a reading light, water bottles, and snacks.
  • Include a small note with the household’s Wi-Fi network and password.
  • Supply an empty dresser so guests don’t have to live out of their suitcase.

In conclusion, the holidays can be stressful. But when you build a custom home, you can have the holidays without the hassle because your home is built for your lifestyle. So whether you’re entertaining guests in your home, hosting friends and family for an extended stay, or looking for a little downtime to recharge your batteries, these tips will make your new home and the holidays easier. Whatever your holiday season entails, P&D Builders can accommodate your needs all year long!


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