4 tips to keep in mind when Building a new home

New residential construction home framing against a blue sky.

Building a home is a tremendously exciting process due to all the decisions, large and small, that you get to decide. YOU are the builder, you get to choose everything from bedrooms to outlets. When spending the money on a custom-built home, keep these things in mind.

Have as many details in place before you start building as possible. This can mean not just knowing how the floor plan will look but knowing how the rooms will be designed. The whole process is about building the home of your dreams but it can be overwhelming for some. After about the tenth round of decisions, you might start thinking enough is enough. If you have as many details worked out before hand as possible, the more and more decisions that come along the way will seem less exhausting. Our people at P&D Builders will be there to help you through each and every decision.

Think about resale value. Even if you never intend to sell your home, and plan to pass it on for generations, still consider that you might sell it someday. Life happens, you might think you know where you are going to be in 10 to 15 years but nothing is for sure. When you are building, you have to consider what other people would want as well. You may want a five-story home but another family out there might not want to spend their days going up and down stairs. A decision like that could cause you to drop thousands when it comes to selling your home.

Keep your mortgage within your means. Create your dream home, but make sure it is one you can afford. You don’t want to be drowning in mortgage payments and not be able to enjoy your new home or always worrying about if you spent too much.

At the same time, don’t sacrifice all of your amenities. Once again, life happens, if you are afraid once your kids start getting older and college comes on the radar that it will be hard to find the money to upgrade. Then throw in a few additional things that you are passionate about having in your home. Know what upgrade is a must have then wait till life slows down financially for other ones.

P&D Builders wants to make your dream home a reality, contact us today!

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